[Ethereum] IPC Connect to Ethereum node running on docker


I am creating a Ruby client to connect to Ethereum node inside a docker container. So far,

I was able to run ethereum-go inside docker container Then I bash into docker container & able to connect my ruby client using ipc file location .ethereum/rinkeby/geth.ipc

But is there a way I can connect to that docker ethereum node from another container? or else from host computer? Because I want to run my Ruby client in another container

Best Answer

I am not familiar with RUBY. I am trying same in GoLang though.

I hope my work can help you get started. I created this docker-compose.yml. I run the client by docker-compose up.

version: '2'

      image: ethereum/client-go:stable
          - "30303:30303"
          - "8545:8545"
          - ./share/ethereum/:/root/.ethereum/
      command: --rinkeby --rpc --rpcaddr "" --fast

As the volume is shared, you get the geth.ipc file created in your MAC also.

ALSO you can SH into the docker client by simple command docker exec -it <container name> sh

Inside shell I can then connect to geth using command geth attach ipc:/root/.ethereum/rinkeby/geth.ipc

Hope it helps.

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