Metamask Integration – Import a Metamask Account to Mist or Ethereum Wallet


Is it possible to import a Metamask account to Mist or Ethereum Wallet? Metamask doesn't allow to export UTC file or json file, only pass phrase and private key and I don't see the option to import these in Mist or Ethereum wallet? Thanks.

Best Answer

This question is already answered here. Just for the shake of no link only answer.

DO the following steps to import your private key to geth and get a keystore file:

  • Open Notepad
  • Paste key into notepad without any extra characters or quotations
  • Save the file as nothing_special_delete_me.txt at C:\
  • Run the command, geth account import C:\nothing_special_delete_me.txt
  • After successful import, delete the file at C:\nothing_special_delete_me.txt

If you don't want to use or you don't have geth. You can create keystore file using node and ethereumjs-wallet for same. (Ref: here)

var Wallet = require('ethereumjs-wallet');
var key = Buffer.from('efca4cdd31923b50f4214af5d2ae10e7ac45a5019e9431cc195482d707485378', 'hex');
var wallet = Wallet.fromPrivateKey(key);

The output of the last command is content of your keystore file. Just paste this in a json file and put this in .ethereum/keystore folder.