[Ethereum] Is this laptop suitable for Ethereum mining


I have a laptop with 4 GB of RAM, 1 TB HDD and an i3 processor running Windows 10 and Intel HD Graphics 520. Is there any chance I can mine Ethereum or Litecoin using this setup? If yes please someone tell me how to get started or post a link.

Best Answer

Nothing forbids you to mine Ethereum, however mining such as mining bitcoin,litecoin or Ethereum is most of the time not profitable unless you have a very low cost of power.

Below you'll find some links, however i recommend you if you want to mine - ether, litecoin or most known cryptocurrencies - to mine on a pool instead of mining on your own where you'll have no chance to mine a whole block on your own unless having a mining farm or being the luckiest person in the world as both btc, ltc and eth are mined with PoW.

Mining on a pool makes allows you to join a pool of miners where the reward is distributed beetween all those that contributed in mining a bloc minus a small fee for the mining pool.

How to mine ethereum on windows 10

Mine ether on minergate

How to mine litecoin

Mining Litecoin on Minergate