[Ethereum] it mean by minting token


I've created a BEP20 token and I can't figure out some steps, I've created for about 21000000 total supply of token and why should I mint token after creating it?

  1. How much should I mint? How minted tokens are different from not minted ones?

Best Answer

why should I mint token after creating it?

If you want to increase the total supply at a later date. (See Introduction to Supply and Demand [external link]. See also Creating ERC20 Supply.)

Another use of the mint() function might be to reward miners (see Rewarding Miners), but since you've deployed on the Binance Smart Chain - which has a centralised set of 21 validators - there's no way for you to do that.

How much should I mint?

That depends how much you want to increase the supply by.

How minted tokens are different from not minted ones?

There is no difference.