Parity Error – Unable to Unlock Account in JavaScript Console


How to open the JavaScript console on Parity? guide us to open a console for communicate with Parity.

Inside the console I was not able to unlock my eth.account using personal.unlockAccount(). I faced with following error: Method not found.

Unlock account 0x75a4c787c5c18c587b284a904165ff06a269b48c
Error: Method not found

[Q] How could I prevent this error from error happening in order to unlock my eth.account successfully?

How I run Parity:

parity --chain parity.json --network-id 32344 --reserved-peers myPrivateNetwork.txt --jsonrpc-apis web3,eth,net,parity,parity_accounts,traces,rpc,parity_set,personal -ludp=debug,tcp=debug,sync=debug --author "0x75a4c787c5c18c587b284a904165ff06a269b48d"

Please note that java console sees personal.

> personal.  //press tab
personal._requestManager personal.constructor personal.getListAccounts personal.listAccounts personal.lockAccount personal.newAccount personal.sendTransaction personal.sign personal.unlockAccount

Thank you for your valuable time and help.

Best Answer

The Method not found message is ambiguous / misleading. It basically says, something is wrong. Often the most obvious reasons are:

  1. Mistyped command (happens, unlikely if you use tab-completion).
  2. Unavailable APIs (i.e., you haven't enabled the personal JSONRPC API).
  3. The called method fails for some reason (i.e., there is no account available for unlocking).
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