[Ethereum] JSON-RPC commands not working: Unexpected identifier


I have Geth running locally, and for whatever reason the JSON-RPC api is not working. Web3.js is working fine.

I've tried to start the console several ways:

geth --rpc --rpcapi "eth,net,admin,web3" --verbosity 0 --unlock 0 console

I've also included the port and other combinations, such as starting RPC from within the console using admin.startRPC(addr,host).

Each time I make an RPC call, for example:

curl -X POST --data '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"net_version","params":[],"id":67}'

I get a variation of the following output:

(anonymous): Line 1:9 Unexpected identifier (and 1 more errors)

I've also tried RPC calls omitting -X POST or specifying rpcaddr:rpchost at the end.

I don't have any other connections, or other geth-attached windows.

Best Answer

To make an RPC call and get response, you need to initialize the target node with an --rpcaddr (IP Address) and an --rpcport. The default rpc port for geth is 8545. You can also start this process from the interactive JavaScript console using admin.startRPC(addr, port).

And while making an RPC call:

curl -X POST -d '{"method":"net_version","id":1}' rpcaddr:rpcport 

Replace the rpcaddr with your IP address and rpcport with 8545 if you haven't modified it.

I have simulated the same commands and I got the result. Geth node is running on one terminal and I made an RPC call from another terminal. Check out this screenshot: enter image description here

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