Ethers.js – Listening to Events on a Hardhat Test Network


I am currently migrating a truffle project to hardhat. I am facing a problem with listening to events. I have a simple ERC20 token and want to listen to the Transfer event. I am running the contract on a hardhat test network. Here is my test code, which does not catch the Transferevent. Any hits on what I am doing wrong is highly appreciated:

import { ethers } from "hardhat";
import chai from "chai";
import { solidity } from "ethereum-waffle";
import { FlanToken } from "../typechain/MyToken";
import { BigNumber} from "ethers";

const { assert } = chai;

describe("MyToken", () => {

    let myToken: MyToken;
    let accounts: any;

    beforeEach(async () => {
        accounts = await ethers.getSigners();
        const tokenFactory = await ethers.getContractFactory("MyToken", accounts[0]);
        myToken = (await myToken.deploy()) as MyToken;
        await myToken.deployed();

    describe("token transfer", async () => {

        it("valid transfer", async () => {
            myToken.on("Transfer", (_from,_to,_value) => {

            await myToken.connect(accounts[0]).transfer(accounts[1].address, 1);

            // balance checks
            let balanceSender: BigNumber = await myToken.balanceOf(accounts[0].address);
            let balanceReceiver: BigNumber = await myToken.balanceOf(accounts[1].address);
            assert.equal(balanceSender.toNumber(), 999999, "Unexpected balance of sender afer token transfer.");
            assert.equal(balanceReceiver.toNumber(), 1, "Unexpected balance of receiver afer token transfer.");


Best Answer

While I did not find a solution on why the .on() method is not working, I found a workaround using the transaction's receipt. The following code describes this workaround:

let tx: ContractTransaction = await myToken.connect(accounts[0]).transfer(accounts[1].address, 1);

let receipt: ContractReceipt = await tx.wait();
console.log( => {return x.event == "Transfer"}));