[Ethereum] Low Level Calls in Solidity


I am a beginner to solidity and I came across this concept called "Low-Level Calls". What exactly is a Low-level function? and How is it different from others?

Best Answer

In Solidity, the address object has a method named call() through which you can call every function you want, and if the address implements it, it will be triggered.

For example:

contract SomeContract {
    function any() public {
        (bool success, bytes memory result) = addr.call(abi.encodeWithSignature("myFunction(uint,address)", 10, msg.sender);
        // if success is `true` the function exists and it had returned some result
        (uint a, uint b) = abi.decode(result, (uint, uint)); // This is an example of how the result might have been decoded

You can also use this syntax:

address.call.gas(50000).value(1 ether)(data);

Here, you forward some ETH and gas. The variable data is something like this:


The first 4 bytes after the 0x symbol represent the function signature - the first 4 bytes of the function signature after encoding it with the keccak256 hash function. In this case, it is the first 4 bytes of


Everything after that is the representation of the calldata which will be parsed as the function arguments.

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