[Ethereum] Member “call” not found or not visible after argument-dependent lookup


Here's the contract:

contract Martyr{
  function Martyr(){ 
    var address0 = 0x093ff7d4edbd201f1762297e31afcde50bdf4c81;

And here's the error it generates

:3:60: Error: Member "call" not found or not visible after argument-dependent lookup in uint160 var address0 = 0x093ff7d4edbd201f1762297e31afcde50bdf4c81; address0.call(bytes4(0x2808241a),0x85a46e616d65a673746f726533a870726f647563747390a4696e666fc0ae7375626d61726b6574416464727390aa7472616e73706f7274739183a26964a737353837373439a474797065a461736664a57072696365a132);

Whats the error trying to say, and how can I solve it?

Best Answer

Use address address0 = 0x093ff7d4edbd201f1762297e31afcde50bdf4c81;

Then put quotes around 0x85a46....

Those will fix the errors in https://ethereum.github.io/browser-solidity

There will be warnings about the address (check that it's correct) and use bool unused = address0.call... to avoid Warning: Return value of low-level calls not used.