[Ethereum] {‘message’: ‘Nonce too low’, ‘code’: -32000} when sending transaction on geth JSON-RPC


I am trying to send a transaction using Go Ethereum 1.4.18-stable JSON-RPC and I am getting the following error:

     {'message': 'Nonce too low', 'code': -32000}

This is a single transaction on dedicated node on Ethereum testnet. My question is that what could be the cause for this issue

  • Have internal file structures of node damaged (it has lost track of nonce

  • Is node simply out of sync

Best Answer

Got the same issue, fixed it by indicating nonce in a transaction:

let nonce = web3js.eth.getTransactionCount(myAddress);
let transactionObject = {
        nonce: web3js.utils.toHex(nonce)
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