python – Solving ModuleNotFoundError: No Module Named ‘brownie._cli’


After installing python3, ganache-cli, upgrading pip to pipx and installing eth-brownie.. I am receiving errors when trying to use "brownie".

I followed all of the steps in their docs correctly and have tried the alternative ways to install it, but I can't seem to figure out why brownie is not being recognized as a module. It said it was installed globally, by the way.

These are the errors I get when trying to use the brownie command.

enter image description here

Does anyone understand what is going on? If I try using the command py -m brownie, it returns the error 'brownie' is a package and cannot be directly executed

Any help is greatly appreciated, thank you!

Best Answer

Turns out I had installed eth-brownie with both pip and pipx. This must have caused some complications when locating and trying to run the scrips. Uninstalling it from both and then reinstalling it with only pipx did the trick.

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