Solidity – Is There Any Profit from Using Pure and View Functions Modifiers?


I have a function that does not read or modify contract's state:

contract C {

    function add(uint a, uint b) public returns (uint) {
        uint res = a + b;
        return res;


Does it make sense to use pure/view modifier? I mean, will the function use less gas after that or what is the reason to use it?

Best Answer

If you can make your function pure, you should always make it pure. Otherwise, if you can make your function view, you should always make it view.


  • If you make your function pure or view, you can call it for example through web3.js without needing a transaction, without any gas cost and without confirmation delay.

  • Currently, it will not reduce gas cost when executing on the EVM. However, in the future it may help the Solidity compiler to optimize your program.

  • It will prevent you from accidentally reading or writing contract state in functions where you don't want to.



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