[Ethereum] Price of 1 gas in dollars


As of June 11, 2018, the price of 1 ether is about $520 (from https://www.coindesk.com/ethereum-price/). From https://ethgasstation.info/, the average price of 1 gas is 2 Gwei (1 Gwei=10^9 wei) which implies that the average price is 2 times the square root of $520 (about $46). It seems to be very high (an addition operation costs 1 gas). Is there a mistake in the calculations?

Best Answer

1 Ether = 10^9 Gwei

i.e. Price of 1 Gwei = Price of 1 Ether / 10^9

Given Price of 1 Ether = 520 dollars

Price of 1 Gwei = 5.2 * 10^-7 dollars or 0.000052 cents.

Thus if 1 gas = 2 Gwei, then 1 gas = 0.000104 cents.

Not sure why your calculation involved a square root.