[Ethereum] quicker way than geth –fast to download the Ethereum blockchain


I had the Mist client installed, but it hadn't been updated in a few weeks so I tried renaming the chaindata folder (instead of deleting it) and downloading the blockchain with geth --fast as that is supposedly faster. I started the download about three days ago, on a capped internet connection that is very slow, and now I still only have 188 MB of data in the chaindata folder. Is there another, faster way to download the blockchain? Should I just restore the Mist chaindata folder and try syncing via the Mist Client, since I already had a large part of the blockchain?

Best Answer

This is a community wiki, with the hope that it can be updated by the community as developments take place.

Here's latest from Ethereum Core developer Péter:

karalabe [Ethereum] - Péter Szilágyi

Hi, the stable geth didn't account for a lot of weak peers, which make syncing quite hard even for well connected peers. One suggestion is to try the latest develop version, which is light years ahead sync wise from the stable branch (https://gitter.im/ethereum/go-ethereum?at=57526dc7e8163f872c4de23c), or if you don't mind building geth for yourself, run this aggregating PR (https://github.com/ethereum/go-ethereum/pull/2657) that introduces a ton of fixes for full imports and higher latency connections. This latter PR should be merged in on Monday and hopefully also pushed out to the stable branch, so you can consider it safe to use :)

You should be able to update to this when the next release, Geth 1.4.6 is available imminently according to Péter. (Geth 1.5 will be released later.)

--cache=1024 should usually be specified in addition to --fast, otherwise the default uses a much smaller cache (--cache=16). A 50% speed increase is possible just by increasing the cache.

If you stop geth --fast, you can run geth --cache=1024 without needing to delete anything.

The flags --jitvm and --jitcache may also give a speed increase.

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