[Ethereum] Remix & Metamask: displaying more than one account


I'd like to test a contract on Remix and since it uses Oraclize, I can't use the javascript VM. So I'm connecting to Ropsten by selecting Injected web3 as environment on Remix.

The problem is that I need to make more than 1 account available for testing, but Remix will only load the currently selected account on Metamask.

Is there a way to access more accounts so de dropdown box allows me to switch between them?

I already tried switching accounts on Metamask but then Remix will need to refresh in order to load the current account, which resets the UI. And I know that I could load the contract again by entering its address, but the problem is that his whole process takes a lot of time for Remix to load the new selected account.

Best Answer

You can use the VM and oraclize...you just have to use the oraclize remix



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