[Ethereum] Remix Solidity Compiler does not work after the update on the browser


http://remix.ethereum.org Remix Solidity Compiler does not work, solidity compiler does not show up. I guess there is heavy load on the web-page of remix so browser could not handle it and freezes.

It was working yesterday but it does not today. Does anyone face with the similar issue?

enter image description here

=> What is the recommended browser and its version to open remix?

Thank you for your valuable time and help.

Best Answer

Clearing site data in Chrome DevTools->Application->Clear storage solved it for a similar problem of the Solidity compiler not loading for me.

NOTE: Any earlier contract code saved in the editor files will be lost, so please take back-up of any previous source code first before clearing site data.

Now I am able to load the current 0.4.21 version and the compiler version drop-down is populated as well.

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