[Ethereum] Remix: This contract does not implement all functions and thus cannot be created error


I have 2 contracts:

pragma solidity ^0.4.18;

contract Coin {
    function transfer(address whom, uint256 amount) public;

contract ManagedWallet {
    event ReceivedEther(address source, uint256 amount);
    event ContractCalled(address theContract,uint256 value, bytes data);

    function () public payable {

    function sendEther(address whom, uint256 amount) public {

    function sendToken(Coin token, address whom, uint256 amount) public {

    function callContract(address theContract, uint256 value, bytes data) public {


But when I try to deploy that Coin contract, I get this error in Remix.

This contract does not implement all functions and thus cannot be

What am I missing here? Really appreciate help because I'm new to smart contract development and Solidity.

Best Answer

The problem is clear but I can't quite extrapolate from the errant code to intent.

Coin won't deploy because it declares a function transfer without defining what's supposed to happen (the {} block isn't defined). This is a useful pattern when you get into inheritance but if was allowed to be deployed like this, then there would be a contract with an undefined function, and that won't do.

Since it's early days, I might suggest playing around with this simplified thingy that might help you form a mental picture of what's happening.

contract Test {

  event LogTest(address sender, address toWhom, uint amount);

  function test(address whom, uint256 amount) public returns(bool success) {
    LogTest(msg.sender, whom, amount);
    return true;

Hope it helps.

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