[Ethereum] Remix Warning: This looks like an address but has an invalid checksum


I have the following contract:

pragma solidity ^0.4.13;

contract Test {

    function test() public payable {

The Remix static code analysis tool gives me a warning:

Warning: This looks like an address but has an invalid checksum.

How do I fix it?

Best Answer

Here is how the address with the valid checksum should look like: 0xCf5609B003B2776699eEA1233F7C82D5695cC9AA (note the different case of letters).

Here is the specification of the checksum: https://github.com/ethereum/EIPs/blob/master/EIPS/eip-55.md

To fix the checksum use this method web3.utils.toChecksumAddress().

Alternatively put your address to the url for etherscan like this https://etherscan.io/address/0xCF5609B003B2776699EEA1233F7C82D5695CC9AA then copy the address with valid checksum on the loaded page.

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