[Ethereum] Return a struct from a Solidity Contract


I'm just trying to get confirmation as to whether this is supported within Solidity currently. Older responses to this question seem to imply this has been added, but I can't find any concrete literature to confirm.

If I have a struct within the contract, can I return it via a getter on the contract? For example:

struct myDetails {
    string firstName;
    string lastName;

function getName() returns (???) {
    return myName;



Best Answer

It's not currently possible to return a struct to the outside with your own function. Nonetheless, it's possible with Solidity's automatically generated getters.

By marking a variable public (for example uint public someNumber) Solidity will automatically generate a getter (someContract.someNumber()). This will indeed work on structs (Foo public someFoo) and even arrays and mappings! (mapping(uint => player) public players) In the last case, you provide a key to the getter to get the one you want. (someContract.players(7))

One caveat: Nested structs, arrays, and mappings inside of structs are currently not returned by getters. Strings, however, are.

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