[Ethereum] See an NFT Token picture in metamask


I have followed step by step this tutorial:


Everything works like a charm. I am working on ropsten Network.

I have create some tokens.

I have configure Metamask to see my tokens on this contract.

I can see my balance but unfortunately, i do not see the picture associated with my NFT.

Is there a way to see the picture of each token i own in metamask ?


Best Answer

According to this Official source, it actually seems possible to see NFT on mobile app only.

"Please note that while you can add NFT's as custom tokens in the extension, you will not be able to see them natively in the UI."

Also, Metamask warns : "Please remember that some NFT's will not show up on the mobile app under Collectibles, or may not show up correctly."

In the end, my NFTs are on my Ledger and I can't connect my Ledger on mobile app without compromising my private key.

The only easy way I found is to see them in maketplaces, like OpenSea.

But maybe some NFT Museum apps, like https://www.nftmuseum.art/, will come online soon ?

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