Solidity Visual Studio Code – How to Set Up Solidity with VS Code for Beginners


I just started learning about Solidity and i want to learn more about smart contracts and all the universe about Solidity programming.

So i downloaded VS Code and i installed the Solidity extension in my VS code.

After then what steps do i have to do to begin writing solidity?
Do i have to download nodejs or truffle?

I ve search on the internet there are not tutorials about setting up Solidity on VS Code. I need to help me about setting up all the details so the Solidity works as it should.

Sorry if it is a stupit question, but i really need help
Thanks everyone!

Best Answer

The easiest and fastest way to start coding Solidity is using Remix, which is a web-based IDE that allows you to code and compile smart contracts without the need of installing anything else.

VSCode is a great editor to write code and if you use a Solidity extension, this will give you hints when coding and options to compile (read the extension documentation to know how to compile, etc)

Finally, if you want to run tests or automate deployments, then you can go for frameworks such as Truffle or Hardhat, that will require Node.js to be installed.

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