[Ethereum] Solidity & truffle: get elements from strings array


i'm glad to follow this forum, it is very helpful.
I'm using truffle to develop contracts and i just found that dynamic arrays are not yet suported, for that reason i was using string arrays with a fixed lenght and i found that the element with index 0 is not showing anything and last one says undefined. do you know ay reason of that?, do i have to get elements in a different way??

This is the function in solidity:

pragma solidity ^0.4.21;
pragma experimental ABIEncoderV2;

contract Example {
    function getStringArray() public returns (string[]) {
        string[] memory resultStr = new string;
        resultStr[0] = "355555555";
        resultStr[1] = "2";
        resultStr[2] = "8888";
        return resultStr;

I also did a test with truffle like this:

in javascript i test getting elements one by one and i got this:

var ExampleCont = artifacts.require("Example");

contract('ExampleCont', async(accounts) => {
    before(async () => {
    ExampleContract = await ExampleCont.new();
    it('Upload File', async () => {
        let stringArray = await ExampleContract.getStringArray.call();
        console.log("list size=" + stringArray.lenght+"0="
              + stringArray[0] + "1="+stringArray[0]+", 2=" + stringArray[1] + "3=" + stringArray[2]);

list size=3, value 0= , 1=355555555, 2=2, 3=undefined

any idea about what's happening in this case?, how do i have work well with string arrays to get all elements?

Best Answer

I believe this is something not available in Solidity yet (having array of string). Because string in solidity is array of bytes, and now if you see the treatment of string[] becomes 2 d array bytes[][] and that's a limitation with Solidity as of now.

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