oracles, chainlink – Cost of Using a Chainlink Oracle


I use the to check available jobs and each job has its own price in terms of link. My question is how many times this fee will be paid?

For example:

Let's say the API GET request costs 0.01 link. If I trigger a function that triggers ORACLE for a GET call, are we going to pay only 0.01 no matter how many miners execute it? Or is it going to cost 0.01 x numberOfMiners since each transaction will run by all the miners of the network?

Best Answer

A few clarifications

  1. Chainlink is not mined, but paid to operators to request data
  2. Node operators set their own prices, so when you see a node operator is charging 0.1 LINK that is per API call / data request.
  3. When you make a request, you choose the specific oracle you want to use. 1 request goes to 1 oracle. If you want a decentralized answer (which you should) you make requests to several oracles. Each oracle you make a request to is paid the amount they charge. So if you want 7 oracles to respond, you send 7 individual requests each with their own payment.
  4. Price Feeds are examples of data that has already gone through the process above, and posted the data to make it public. So you don't have to make any requests since the data is already on-chain.

Similar to how blockchains have their own transaction gas, oracles have this oracle gas.

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