Remix Solidity – Difference Between Transaction Cost and Execution Cost


What is the difference between transaction cost and execution cost as seen after contract instantiation in remix?


I don't think it matters, but here is my contract:

contract DepositCounter {
    uint deposits = 0;
    function() {

Best Answer

Transaction costs are the costs for sending the contract code to the ethereum blockchain, they depend on the size of the contract.

Check out the source code:

 var getGasUsedOutput = function (result, vmResult) {
        var $gasUsed = $('<div class="gasUsed">');
        var caveat = lookupOnly ? '<em>(<span class="caveat" title="Cost only applies when called by a contract">caveat</span>)</em>' : '';
        if (result.gasUsed) {
            var gas = result.gasUsed.toString(10);
            $gasUsed.html('<strong>Transaction cost:</strong> ' + gas + ' gas. ' + caveat);
        if (vmResult.gasUsed) {
            var $callGasUsed = $('<div class="gasUsed">');
            var gas = vmResult.gasUsed.toString(10);
            $callGasUsed.append('<strong>Execution cost:</strong> ' + gas + ' gas.');
        return $gasUsed;

Execution costs should be really the vm execution costs, if I interprete the parameter vmResult correctly. Is this maybe because a default constructor will be called any way?

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