[Ethereum] the format for sending erc20 token to multiple address



contract ERC20 { function transfer(address _recipient, uint256
_value) public returns (bool success); }

contract Airdrop { function drop(ERC20 token, address[] recipients,
uint256[] values) public {
for (uint256 i = 0; i < recipients.length; i++) {
token.transfer(recipients[i], values[i]);
} } }

How to use.
Please can you tell me what is the format i have to put address and token value to send. I have tried many formats but not worked.
token send to multiple addresses in one transaction.

Please can you tell me what is the format i have to put address and token value. I have tried many formats but not worked.


Best Answer

I don't think there's a multisend function in the standard ERC20 interface. If you're using a variation of ERC20, please tell us more about it. For implementation of a multisend function check out this post and this post.

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