[Ethereum] the simplest and fastest way to mine Testnet Ether on a Windows Machine


The more I read on this, the more I see lots of general answers that either point to Testnet Ether donations, claim they have no difficulty in mining a ton of Testnet Ether (in no time at all) or suggest a private Blockchain is used.

I have found a great Testnet Ether 'donation' site at: Ethereum Ropsten Faucet but I really wish to mine using the public Testnet (rather than a private Blockchain) to ensure a 'as close to reality' simulation as possible.

Expecting life to be simple, I have downloaded the Ethereum Wallet which is connected and fully synced with Testnet and I have enabled mining (little pickaxe showing) and nothing has occurred after a few hours…

From what I have read, I was under the impression I completed these steps and I would see Testnet Ether flowing in, but alas no.

I also don't mind using Geth CLI if that's simpler and more visible but I can't find specific instructions on how to do this.

If someone can point me at a decent modern guide (or write one) that clearly communicates the dos and don'ts then I'd be delighted to complete the steps, create a video and get it live to help others out.

Best Answer

Based on your description of the story so far, you're mining in the simplest way possible (Just confirm it's testnet and mining enabled).

Patience is the answer. TestNet is usually not competitive, but you might need leave the computer alone for a little while to see results. In the past, I've achieved good results letting it mine while I sleep.

Hope it helps.

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