[Ethereum] Transaction nonce management


Since transactions require a nonce that is one more than the previously mined transaction for a given address, what happens if someone sent a transaction with a low gas price that was refused by miners? They would have all subsequent transactions refused unless they were given the same nonce and a more favourable gas price.

Best Answer

You're correct that all subsequent transactions would be refused.

So with Geth, you can rebroadcast with a higher fee (gas price) by using eth.resend (the nonce will remain the same).

eth.resend(tx, optional gas price, optional gas limit)


eth.sendTransaction({from: eth.accounts[0], to: "...", gasPrice: "1000"})
var tx = eth.pendingTransactions[0]
eth.resend(tx, web3.toWei(20, "GWei"))
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