[Ethereum] Trouble using Remix to deploy to BSC TestNet


Hey yall im getting this error when trying to deploy to smartchain testnet

Gas estimation failed Close Gas estimation errored with the following
message (see below). The transaction execution will likely fail. Do
you want to force sending? Internal JSON-RPC error. { "code": -32000,
"message": "gas required exceeds allowance (30000000) or always
failing transaction" }

I click okay and accept the transaction anyway but it fails and gives me:

"false Transaction mined but execution failed"

Im deploying the contract MADToken – MADToken.sol
there are also these other contracts to choose from but none of them carry the appropriate ABI or Bytecode for properly verifying the contract once its on BSC.

Contract: MADToken GitHub

Best Answer

you need to connect to bsc test network shown here https://dapp-world.com/blogs/01/how-to-connect-metamask-to-binance-smart-chainbsc--1618137142422

Then from remix's deploy section choose Web3 Provider and then deploy

Hope it works