[Ethereum] Truffle build isn’t working


I installed truffle via this command:

sudo npm install -g truffle  

Then I installed testrpc via this command

sudo npm install -g ethereumjs-testrpc  

Then I started testrpc via this command


It began to run successfully. Then I created a folder and initiated truffle project via this command.

truffle init  

Then I compiled it via this command

truffle compile  

Then I migrated that truffle project via this command

truffle migrate  

Now I want to add DAPPS support, so I built that truffle project via this command

truffle build  

But when I ran that command, I got this error

Error building:

No build configuration specified. Can't build.

Build failed. See above.  

My truffle version is

Truffle v3.4.9 (core: 3.4.8)
Solidity v0.4.15 (solc-js)  

How can I fix that error, it seems to be a bug as given here.

Best Answer

You need to create a build process. http://truffleframework.com/docs/advanced/build_processes

It is stated in their documentation:

Note you'll receive an error if you try to run the build command without first configuring a custom build process.

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