[Ethereum] Truffle contract deployment either exceeds block gas limit or out of gas


I've been having the same issue when I was trying to deploy a contract using truffle develop console. The contract is not extremely big but does initiate two other contracts when called a certain function. (since it's not open to the public so apologies i can't post the contract here)

I came across the error "out of gas" when I didn't specify the gas used in my 2_deploy_contract.js file, but when I gradually increased the the gas at some point I got the error "Exceeds block gas limit".

I then tried to specify the "gas" parameter in truffle.js config file. The problem is no matter how high I set it (e.g. 10000000000000) it still gave me the same error: "Exceeds block gas limit".

 networks: {
  development: {
   host: "",
   from: "0x627306090abab3a6e1400e9345bc60c78a8bef57",
   port: 9545,
   network_id: "*", // Match any network id
   gas: 18900000000000000000000000000


And the most interesting part of it is that it worked perfectly fine on Remix but not truffle develop console.

Best Answer

Answer(I found out the answer by myself):

The gas parameter in truffle.js is the maximum amount you are willing to pay for deploys. It is not the chain's block gas limit! So doesn't matter how big that is, if the block gas limit is smaller than the gas you attach to a transaction, you will always get the same error "Exceeds block gas limit". Which also explains why it worked in Remix not on my local chain.

Now the question is how do I change the default block gas limit for the truffle develop local chain? I don't see the genesis.json file. The hardcoded block gas limit seems to be around 6700000.

I assume the solutions are below: 1. change the hardcoded truffle core setting to allow higher block gas limit. 2. break down the contract to make it lighter. 3. connect truffle to a local network you set up yourself or to the live testnet, which may or may not allow the gas required by the contract. So always test first using the mainnet gas requirements.

Any further help is much appreciated!

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