[Ethereum] Truffle – Error: sender doesn’t have enough funds to send tx


truffle(development)> app.waterTree(0, {value: .0000000000001})
Error: sender doesn't have enough funds to send tx. The upfront cost is: 1188468318377797839569896498995073351059306341883237633081 and the sender's account only has: 99909466300000000000

I've tried two different functions and got the same result:

function waterTree(uint id) public payable {
    trees[id].ethValue += msg.value;
    //valueOfTree[id] += msg.value;

I have gas price set to 1 wei on Ganache and the gas limit is sitting at 7m.

Best Answer

The value is in wei, not ether, so value must be an integer.

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