[Ethereum] Truffle: Hanging on “Deploying Migrations…”


I am deploying a contract on a private testnet. I am using Parity.

When I type:

$ truffle migrate --network my-network-name

I get a popup in the Parity interface for a password to my account. I enter it. (And I know it's correct because I get an error when I intentionally enter it incorrectly.)

The popup goes away, but:

a) no ETH has been removed from the account

b) the console does not change. It still shows:

Running migration: 1_initial_migration.js   
   Deploying Migrations...

…and it hangs there for at least 10 minutes.

Has anyone encountered this before?

EDIT: I have also unlocked an account on the command line as described here:
Truffle migration stuck The result is the same: the migration hangs.

I am sure I have unlocked the correct account because "web3.eth.accounts[0]" from the web3 console (see here)returns the account I am unlocking.

Best Answer

What I got with Parity was a screen showing up on a page served by a service on another port with a button to confirm the transaction. If you're sending a few different transactions in the course of your deployment, you get a number of these authorization requests showing up, and you have to click all of them.

The workaround is to run Parity with the deploy account unlocked. See this answer for how to do that: Truffle migration stuck