Truffle Infura – Guide to Using Truffle with INFURA for Deployment


I've recently started to use Truffle to automate/speed up my development.

As I'm still getting the grasp of it I've come up with a barrier when trying to use INFURA for migrations.

INFURA nodes don't answer to blockFilter requests and as so migrations in Truffle don't work as stated in their Truffle + INFURA integration post.

Any ideas on how to make this work besides changing Truffle's code to polling instead of receiving events? 🙂

EDIT: After searching for any solution to validate deployment of contracts I just settled for Augur's great public node that exposes filter methods.

Best Answer

INFURA nodes are public and receive a lot of traffic, and that is the reason that some JSON-RPC methods need to be disallowed. However, we're working on a solution that will make all methods available.

A while ago we modified our architecture, so load balancers are not the issue.

I'll check with the Truffle team about their use of filters and update this post.

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