[Ethereum] tx fee (2.11 ether) exceeds the configured cap (1.00 ether), how to bypass default cap


I'm getting this error when trying to make a simple ETH(BNB) transaction with very high gas, I've tried using different scripts with both web3 and ethers.js and both throw the same error on the BSC Mainnet and Testnet, on ropsten and others it works fine. Any clue how to change the cap?

EDIT: I just realized this isn't possible on Metamask as well, the scripts are not the problem.

Is it even possible to bypass it? You can try this yourself by trying to send a tx with 8k gwei and 700000 gasLimit. Metamask won't let you through, weird thing is this works perfectly on all other chains I've tested.

Best Answer

The --rpc.txfeecap param on node should be changed to 0:

--rpc.txfeecap value Sets a cap on transaction fee (in ether) that can be sent via the RPC APIs (0 = no cap) (default: 1)