[Ethereum] Unable to load Solidity contract using `compile_files` function with web3.py


I am new to ethereum block-chain. I created a ERC20 smart-contract with help of open-zeppelin framework. I used py-solc package for solidity compilation with python. I imported compile_files function form solc. And use the function to compile solidity files. I got error when I intelize solidity file to compile.

So, my source code of python files is:-

import json
from web3 import Web3, HTTPProvider,TestRPCProvider
from solc import compile_source, compile_files
from web3.contract import ConciseContract

#Intelize solidity files to compile
compiled_sol = compile_files(["/home/anupam/Documents/workspace/DjangoProject/ico_application/users/contracts/old_type_contracts/DappToken.sol"])

# Compiled solidity code
contract_interface = compiled_sol['/home/anupam/Documents/workspace/DjangoProject/ico_application/users/contracts/old_type_contracts/DappToken.sol:DappToken']

# web3.py instance
w3 = Web3(Web3.HTTPProvider(""))

# Instantiate and deploy contract
contract = w3.eth.contract(abi=contract_interface['abi'], bytecode=contract_interface['bin'])

# Get transaction hash from deployed contract
tx_hash =  contract.transact({'from': w3.eth.accounts[0]})

Source Code of ERC20 Solidity file is:-

  pragma solidity ^0.4.24;
import "openzeppelin-solidity/contracts/token/ERC20/DetailedERC20.sol";
import "openzeppelin-solidity/contracts/token/ERC20/MintableToken.sol";
import "openzeppelin-solidity/contracts/token/ERC20/PausableToken.sol";
 * The contractName contract does this and that...
contract DappToken is MintableToken,PausableToken,DetailedERC20 {
            constructor(string _name, string _symbol, uint8 _decimals)
                    DetailedERC20(_name, _symbol, _decimals)



I got error like this:-

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/anupam/Documents/workspace/DjangoProject/ico_application/users/common/ERC20.py", line 7, in <module>
    compiled_sol = compile_files(["/home/anupam/Documents/workspace/DjangoProject/ico_application/users/contracts/old_type_contracts/DappToken.sol"])
  File "/home/anupam/Documents/envs/py_eth/lib/python3.7/site-packages/solc/main.py", line 135, in compile_files
    stdoutdata, stderrdata, command, proc = solc_wrapper(**compiler_kwargs)
  File "/home/anupam/Documents/envs/py_eth/lib/python3.7/site-packages/solc/utils/string.py", line 85, in inner
    return force_obj_to_text(fn(*args, **kwargs))
  File "/home/anupam/Documents/envs/py_eth/lib/python3.7/site-packages/solc/wrapper.py", line 169, in solc_wrapper
solc.exceptions.SolcError: An error occurred during execution
> command: `solc --combined-json abi,asm,ast,bin,bin-runtime,clone-bin,devdoc,interface,opcodes,userdoc /home/anupam/Documents/workspace/DjangoProject/ico_application/users/contracts/old_type_contracts/DappToken.sol`
> return code: `1`
> stderr:

> stdout:
Invalid option to --combined-json: clone-bin

Query 1:- Why this error came??

Quary 2:- Where I do mistakes in a code??

Please resolve my query as soon as.

Best Answer

I am able to answer my own question.

Why this error came??

This error comes because I am using latest or pre-release version solidity binary version(0.4.26) in ubntu.

I uninstall this solidity version. And again install stable solidity binary version(0.4.25).

And again run python code so error is resolve.

Where I do mistakes in a code??

I was doing very silly mistakes. I was using pre-release solidity compiler.

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