[Ethereum] Uncaught Error: Error: Number can only safely store up to 53 bits


I am trying to execute a transaction on the blockchain by adding an item to a mapping with the following Javascript code. Keep in mind that it is executed from Polymer.

var id = Math.random().toString(36).substr(2, 10);
var receiver = this.assetOwner;
var asset = this.assetsBlockchain[0].address;
var start = this.web3.toBigNumber(1000).dividedBy(1000).plus(3600);
var end = this.web3.toBigNumber(1000).dividedBy(1000).plus(10800);

var factory = this.web3.eth.contract(this.rentalRequestFactoryABI.abi).at(this.rentalRequestFactoryAddress);
var tx = factory.createRentalRequest(id, receiver, asset, start, end, {
    from: this.mobilist,
    gas: this.web3.toWei(0.5, "ether")

The createRentalRequest function in the smart contract is as follows:

function createRentalRequest(bytes32 _id, address _receiver, address _asset, uint _start, uint _end) returns (bool) {
    RentalRequest memory request;

    request.receiver = _receiver;
    request.asset = _asset;
    request.start = _start;
    request.end = _end;
    request.accepted = false;
    request.rejected = false;

    requests[_id] = request;
    Notify(msg.sender, _receiver, _asset);
    return true;

A solution which I am going to try is to accept the uints as byte arrays and converting them to uint. Is there any reason why the error mentioned in the title appears though?

Best Answer

I found the problem after long debating and searching. The problem relies in the gas field of the transaction. When changed to a smaller number, for example 1000000, it works perfectly fine. It just had to do that I was supplying the gas parameter such a high value that it didn't know what to do with it.