[Ethereum] Updating ERC-721 Token’s Metadata after it was Minted


Is it possible to somehow update an existing ERC-721 Token's MetaData after it was already minted?

Let's say we've created a Knight character for a game – by minting an NFT for it, and 3 months later we want to update that Knight's attributes to reflect the amount of experience or treasure it has amassed through game play.

The original URI for this Knight-Token looked something like this:

    "name" : "KnightToken1",  
    "description" : "One-of-a-kind-Knight",
    "image" : "http://www.mydomain.com/myImages/knightImage.png”, 
    "attributes" : 
        “Age” : “30",
        "Treasure” : “2 Gold Crates”


We now want to update the "Treasure" attribute to "100 Gold Crates" – how can it be done?

My understanding was that it can't be done – the Blockchain is supposedly immutable after all – but I've seen some posts essentially saying "with our API you CAN do this!" – except they don't tell you how.

So I'm wondering: is this a false claim – or is there really some clever way of updating an already-minted ERC-721's token metadata? And if so, how?

Best Answer

Is it possible to somehow update an existing ERC-721 Token's MetaData after it was already minted?

Yes. This is not disallowed by the standard and so you are free to do this.

The official implementation of ERC-721 is maintained by 0xcert. It is free/open source and you can use the Metadata Mock contract as a starting point. You will simply add a public function that calls the internal _setTokenUri function which is waiting for you.

It will be up to you decide whether to allow anybody to change any URI anytime or if certain restrictions will be implemented.

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