[Ethereum] Using Ganache with an existing MetaMask account


I am attempting the Truffle "Ethereum pet-shop tutorial":


I am in the stage where I am attempting to implement the smart contract on the local Ganache block chain, where I have to use the Ganache seed phrase to import the applicable Ganache den. However, I have an existing MetaMask den with some tokens and real ETH in it.

My question is: How can I import the Ganache den for local testing?

I have tried disabling and re-enabling the extension, but upon entering my password, it takes me to my existing den with the multiple tokens and ETH in it.

Help will be greatly appreciated.

Best Answer

You can import a new account from the private key of a Ganache's test address, not the seed phrase.

The private key can be seen by clicking the key icon on the right of an account row in Ganache.

enter image description here

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