[Ethereum] Using Trezor (Hardware wallet) with Web3js on Truffle or Ropsten


We are trying to integrate web3js with Trezor in a truffle dev network or using ropsten test network.

The idea is to sign the transactions using the hardware wallet and then send a raw transaction using web3js

We are getting that we dont have balance to make the transaction, probably because web3js isnt taking one of the 10 truffle accounts and is using the trezor address that isnt in my local network..

On ropsten i have some ethers and i get "invalid address"

Is there a way to send a signed transactions (with trezor) using web3js into a truffle develop network? i mean, is there a way to include the trezor address into the truffle network?

The situation in truffle is explained more in details here, but the question could be generalized to "is there a way to include hardware wallets into truffle development network?" : https://github.com/trufflesuite/truffle/issues/973

Using ropsten we have managed to send a transaction and receive a transaction hash in the callback, but if we query for that transaction we get that the transaction doesnt exists.. so.. how is that possible?

We tried deploying a contract into Ropsten too and now we are getting "Invalid address" when invoking a smart contract function. Maybe the signing function is wrong? anyone could integrate Trezor transaction signining with web3js?

Do you guys see anything wrong in the signing and sending process that we have followed? Maybe is there something wrong on the R, V and S parameters handling

Another important thing is that we are using https://github.com/ethereumjs/ethereumjs-tx for creating the raw transactions

Issues published in web3js, truffle and trezzor connect with more information:

kind regards

 trezorLogin = async()=> {
        let trezor=  await this.getTrezor();

        // site icon, optional. at least 48x48px
        var hosticon = 'https://doc.satoshilabs.com/trezor-apps/_images/copay_logo.png';
        // server-side generated and randomized challenges
        var challenge_hidden = '';
        var challenge_visual = '';
        //use anonimous functions on callback otherwise returns cross origin errors
        trezor.requestLogin(hosticon, challenge_hidden, challenge_visual, function (result){
            if (result.success) {
                console.log('Public key:', result.public_key); // pubkey in hex
                console.log('Signature:', result.signature); // signature in hex
                console.log('Version 2:', result.version === 2); // version field
            }else {
                console.error('Error:', result.error);

    trezorSignTx= async(transaction)=> {
        let trezor=  await this.getTrezor();
        // spend one change output
        var address_n = "m/44'/60'/0'/0/0"
        // var address_n = [44 | 0x80000000,
        //                  60 | 0x80000000,
        //                  0  | 0x80000000 ,
        //                  0 ]; // same, in raw form
        var nonce = transaction.nonce.substring(2); // note - it is hex, not number!!!
        var gas_price = transaction.gasPrice.substring(2);
        var gas_limit = transaction.gasLimit.substring(2);
        var to = transaction.to.substring(2);
        // var value = '01'; // in hexadecimal, in wei - this is 1 wei
        var value = transaction.value.substring(2); // in hexadecimal, in wei - this is about 18 ETC
        var data = transaction.data.substring(2); // some contract data
        // var data = null  // for no data
        var chain_id = 5777; // 1 for ETH, 61 for ETC
        return new Promise (function (resolve,reject) {
                function (response) {
                    if (response.success) {

                        console.log('Signature V (recovery parameter):', response.v); // number
                        console.log('Signature R component:', response.r); // bytes
                        console.log('Signature S component:', response.s); // bytes

                    } else {
                        console.error('Error:', response.error); // error message


    getTrezorAddress = async() => {
        let trezor=  await this.getTrezor();
        // spend one change output
        var address_n = "m/44'/60'/0'/0/0";
        trezor.ethereumGetAddress(address_n, function (result) {
            if (result.success) { // success
                console.log('Address: ', result.address);
            } else {
                console.error('Error:', result.error); // error message

    getTrezor = async() => {
        let trezorC;
        await getTrezorConnect
            .then(trezorConnect => {
                trezorC= trezorConnect;
            .catch((error) => {
        return trezorC;


 sendTransaction= async(address, amount, id)=>{
        let tokenInstance = this.props.smartContractInstance;

        var getData = tokenInstance.mint.getData(address, amount);

        var tx = {
            nonce: '0x00',
            gasPrice: '0x09184e72a000',
            gasLimit: '0x2710',
            to: CONTRACT_ADDRESS,
            value: '0x00',
            data: getData
        let response = await this.trezorSignTx(tx);

        let web3;
        let _this = this;
        if (response!=null){
                .then(results => {
                    web3= results.web3;
                    let v = response.v.toString();
                    if (v.length % 2 != 0){
                    let ethtx = new ethereumjs(tx);
                    console.dir(ethtx.getSenderAddress().toString('hex'), );
                    const serializedTx = ethtx.serialize();
                    const rawTx = '0x' + serializedTx.toString('hex');
                    //finally pass this data parameter to send Transaction
                    web3.eth.sendRawTransaction(rawTx, function (error, result) {
                                        _this.setState({modalOpen: true});
                .catch((error) => {
            alert("There was an error signing with trezor hardware wallet")


The getTrezorConnect function is just get window.trezorConnect asynchronously because the object is injected as script

<script src="https://connect.trezor.io/4/connect.js"></script>

Best Answer

You have lots of questions listed. It's better to post one question at a time, to increase your chances of having them answered.

Let me address the most important ones.

Q1. Is there a way to include hardware wallets into truffle development network?

Yes, by using truffle console and configure it to connect to testrpc. With testrpc, you can have whatever account you want funded (edit: this is not true - the accounts are actually private keys, which are not available using a HW wallet), by starting it like:

testrpc --account="0x8414315fe005b8f294020dfc61cfd13749fbc045b0c6abc31fbd1ee3f4ff3b41, 10000000000000000000"         --account="0x566a9022cd3f0dfcc3dff657a6c578897d4b0300e335fa569a082b637e6bb273, 70000000000000000000"         --account="0x90b4e47ca43b66fab5dbebfee464087b51923f73f649701ca485da313574fd5b, 80000000000000000000"         --account="0x5d47b245c405d706fecbc5eb213819d20a2168ad696b352644ad0ffc87aef18e, 90000000000000000000"

Where the addresses are your trezor addresses.

Or you can start it with the seed of your trezor (I don't recommend this, unless you know for sure that the trezor is used on the live network):

testrpc -m 'candy maple cake sugar pudding cream honey rich smooth crumble sweet treat'

Q2: Do you guys see anything wrong in the signing and sending process that we have followed?

I managed to sign eth transactions programmatically using the Ledger Nano S hardware wallet. The ledgerco js library that I used for signing the transactions, also returns the V, R and S parameters. I assume they are in the same format as the ones returned by Trezor's library, but I can't be sure of that. Anyway, this is how I use V, R, S to create valid transactions:

console.log('Please sign transaction on device...');
  //the signature is an object with keys v,r and s
  const signature = await eth_utils.ledger.signTransaction_async(argv['derivation_path'], tx.serialize().toString('hex'));

  //"hexify" the keys
  Object.keys(signature).map( (key, index) => {
    signature[key] = '0x'+signature[key];
  //tx_raw is a js object that contains all the tx params, the one that was signed on the hw device
  //(equivalent of your tx from your sendTransaction() function)
  const tx_obj = { ...tx_raw, ...signature};

  //re-create the Transaction using ethereumjs-tx
  const signed_tx = new Transaction( tx_obj );

  //signed_tx_hex needs to be broadcasted
  const signed_tx_hex = '0x'+signed_tx.serialize().toString('hex');

And that's it.

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