Mining – Waiting for Transaction to be Mined


When calling any method on a contract using Browser Solidity on Ropsten Testnet, the message "Waiting for transaction to be mined…" never quits and transaction doesn't even show at the origin account

The contract was deployed yesterday and I could call methods using Metamask with no problems. But today, it isn't working anymore…

People is suffering similar situation at Solidity stuck at mining transaction but in this case I am working with new Ropsten testnet and Metamask.

Any idea how to solve this issue? How can I trace metamask transaction to find out where it gets stuck? Thx!

24 hours later I realize the call transaction have been performed at

It seems it took a lot of time to mine, but I don't know exactly how much nor the reasons to that delay.

Best Answer

I know that the Ropsten testnet has been subject to some attacks recently, and that has slowed down much of its performance. MetaMask is adding support for additional test networks soon, so that may be the problem.