[Ethereum] web3.eth.defaultAccount not working


I would like to set a default account for my web3 operations with web3js but it does not work.

I'm using web3@1.0.0-beta.29 and here is my code.

  const Web3 = require('web3')
  const Token = require('./Token.json')

  const web3 = new Web3(new Web3.providers.HttpProvider())//provider.web3
  web3.eth.defaultAccount = '0x4615ff6690a3bb23bd85051c5c69abba4092bbb4'
  const tkn = new web3.eth.Contract(Token.abi, '0xba9d4199fab4f26efe3551d490e3821486f135ba')

  tkn.methods.transfer('0x4615ff6690a3bb23bd85051c5c69abba4092bbb4', 1e9)

the output of this is

    Error: No "from" address specified in neither the given options, nor the default options.

the documentation says that this should not happen

Best Answer

I ran into the same problem. I had to explicitly specify the address on the send function call, like this:

tkn.methods.transfer('0x4615ff6690a3bb23bd85051c5c69abba4092bbb4', 1e9)
    .send({ from: web3.eth.defaultAccount })