[Ethereum] Web3.py Could not transact with/call contract function, is contract deployed correctly and chain synced


I am trying to call a contract function deployed in Ganache. I am pretty sure the contract is deployed because I can transact() and work with other functions. But when I call() it, I get this error:

Could not transact with/call contract function, is contract deployed
correctly and chain synced?

this is my function call:

 updated_card = magic_ideas.functions.get_card('731759').call()

Previously, I have to "deploy an exam" with this code and it works correctly:

 t_hash1 = magic_ideas.functions.new_card('title', 'example_text', 'www.card.com', '731759').transact()

I get a t_hash1. Then when I try to get_card using .call() I get the error. What am I missing?


This is the contract declaration:

magic_ideas = w3.eth.contract(address="0x246eCb1dA50199FD7FcC20Ad08C617C52e34b128", abi=abi)

The abi is a copy & paste from remix.

Best Answer


updated_card = magic_ideas.functions.get_card('731759').transact()

instead of

updated_card = magic_ideas.functions.get_card('731759').call()

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