[Ethereum] Web3js Contract deploy never get receipt


I am trying to deploy a contract with web3js. The contract will be deployed but I never get to see the address, which should be returned from the promise. Instead I always get an error returned:

Error: Failed to check for transaction receipt:

Down below my code. For debugging I introduced the event emitters .on:

    data: contractBin,
    arguments: [...]
    from: ownerAddress,
    gas: 4000000,
    gasPrice: '30000000000000'
}).on('error', (error) => {
   console.log(`Error deploying contract ${error}`);
}).on('transactionHash', (transactionHash) => {
   console.log(`Successfully submitted contract creation. Transaction hash: ${transactionHash}`); 
}).on('receipt', (receipt) => {
   console.log(`Receipt after mining with contract address: ${receipt.contractAddress}`); 
   console.log(`Receipt after mining with events: ${JSON.stringify(receipt.events, null, 2)}`); 
}).on('confirmation', (confirmationNumber, receipt) => { 
    console.log(`Confirmation no. ${confirmationNumber} and receipt for contract deployment: `, receipt); 
}).then((instance) => {
    let address = instance.options.address;
}).catch((error) => {

Everytime I deploy a contract the transaction gets send:

Successfully submitted contract creation. Transaction hash: 0xb87ee45a3249f2079635d987a51cad31adf5eb52f6afd987d07e84ae0d972d92

but in the next step the error of a failed check for transaction receipt appears. The contract gets even deployed as I can see from my geth node:

INFO [03-09|16:51:12] Submitted contract creation fullhash=0xb87ee45a3249f2079635d987a51cad31adf5eb52f6afd987d07e84ae0d972d92 contract=0xFEb009a6eB95bc46DEb3F35E0004D36b4b6BC6F9

And I can get the contract address from the transaction receipt:


contractAddress : "0xFEb009a6eB95bc46DEb3F35E0004D36b4b6BC6F9"

What am I doing wrong while deploying a contract?

Best Answer

For anyone interested, this issue is tracked on GitHub. If you want to make web3^1.0 fire the receipt PromiEvent in development mode, you have to add the following options when constructing your web3 instance:

const options = {
  transactionConfirmationBlocks: 1
const web3 = new Web(provider, null, options);
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