[Ethereum] What are the costs of using Chainlink to generate a random number using VRF


I'm doing some research about generating true randomness on the Ethereum blockchain.
Of course I came across Chainlink and its VRF solution.

Although there are many tutorials around, some from chainlink themselves, there is no easily available information about number generation prices (only LINK price itself) or amounts to be spent at each roll.

Does anyone who's had more experience in this know approximately how much it costs for each number roll generation?

Best Answer

I've had a similar question. As far as I can tell, at the time of writing, the cost of a request to the Chainlink VRF (Verifiable Random Function) v2 on the Ethereum Mainnet is 0.25 LINK, which is around $4.

Quite expensive to pay $4 for one random number. Thoughts anyone?


It's true that one request csts 0.25 LINK, however, it seems up to 500 random values can be requested at once, see MAX_NUM_WORDS parameter in the contract.


Chainlink Docs: https://docs.chain.link/docs/vrf-contracts/#config

Etherscan, see getFeeConfig: https://etherscan.io/token/0x271682DEB8C4E0901D1a1550aD2e64D568E69909#readContract