Web3.js Error – Understanding ‘BigNumber Not a Base 16 Number’ Error


Is there a known problem with parsing events containing strings in Truffle/Web3?

I'm using truffle with the following simple contract

contract Board
    string  foo;
    event Shout();
    event TextEvent(
        string  indexed text,
        uint timestamp

    function shout(string _text)

    function getFoo() returns(string){
        return foo;

When I call shout(_) foo is set correctly and a Shout event is triggered and I can listen to this without any problems.

  var board = Board.deployed();
  var shouts=board.Shout();
  shouts.watch(function(error, result){
    if (!error)

However when I watch for TextEvents with the following code

    var board = Board.deployed();
    var textEvent=board.TextEvent();
    textEvent.watch(function(error, result){
        if (!error) console.log("shout",result);

I get the following error which seems to be related to converting bytes32 into a string:

Uncaught BigNumber Error: new BigNumber() not a base 16 number:

So the question is how can you listen to events containing strings in Web3 without running into this error?

Best Answer

I saw this when my blockchain wasn't fully synced. The contract was expecting a string to be returned, but since that string hadn't been set yet it was returning null, which would blow up on parsing.

I believe the same thing could happen when pointing to an address that doesn't actually implement that API. If the fallback function doesn't return a string then you'll have trouble parsing a string.

Just make sure your blockchain is synced, and you're pointing to the right account.

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