Ethereum Blockchain Explorers – Complete List and Overview


What blockchain explorers exist and

  1. What special features do they have?
  2. Are they open-source?
  3. How reliable are they (approximate uptime in %)?
  4. Is there a testnet version?

Best Answer

Hosted Main Chain Explorers:

Can explore:

  1. Contract Addresses
  2. Non Contract Addresses
  3. Transactions (and their internal steps)
  4. Blocks
  5. Contract Code

Can explore:

  1. Contract Addresses
  2. Non Contract Addresses
  3. Transactions
  4. Blocks
  5. Contract Code

Can explore:

  1. Contract Addresses
  2. Non Contract Addresses
  3. Transactions
  4. Blocks
  5. Contract Code
  6. Contract Storage (appears to the be only service to do so)
  7. VM execution trace

Can explore:

  1. Contract Addresses
  2. Non Contract Addresses
  3. Transactions
  4. Blocks
  5. Contract Code

Hosted Testnet (Ropsten) Explorers:

Hosted Testnet (Rinkeby) Explorers:

PoA testnet started by the Ethereum team, uses Clique PoA consensus protocol, supported by geth only

Hosted Testnet (Kovan) Explorers:

PoA testnet started by the Parity team, supported by parity only

Open source projects:

Outdated / defunct explorers:

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