[Ethereum] Where to report scammer Ether wallet addresses


Bitcoinabuse.com is where we can report scammer addresses for Bitcoin wallets. What is the equivalent for Ether scammer addresses?

Best Answer

It used to be the case that you could submit addresses to MyCrypto (and a couple of other blacklisting services) which would then be used by the EtherAddressLookup Chrome extension to warn you when those addresses were present on a given webpage.

I'm unsure if this facility is still in place.

Two problems with this:

  1. Scammers can create new addresses far more quickly than they can be reported and blacklisted, so you're fighting a losing battle. (*Unless you're doing some sort of clever automated chain analysis.)

  2. It's not always clear that an address is malicious. Who makes the call, and what are the qualifying criteria? Further, submitting addresses as malicious can be used as a griefing attack on valid, non-malicious addresses.

A better solution is to cultivate a system of good personal security hygiene.

*Which is exactly what Etherscan (and probably other services) do. -> https://info.etherscan.com/ethprotect/

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