[Ethereum] Where to start with Solidity


I'm new to Ethereum

I just installed the Ethereum Wallet and Solidity on my Linux system. Before I installed everything I read the whole documentation of Ethereum and Solidity. Now I would like to start with programming some smart contracts. I have some basic questions:

What is the best way to start?
How can I test my smart contracts?
Do I have to install a private net? If yes, where can I find a documentation about it?
Do you have any other useful advises for a newbie?

Thank you very much for your help

Thank you very much. This is very valuable information.

I created a contract according to the first video. When the contract is confirmed I get the following Message:

"No data is deployed on the contract address!"

What does that mean?

Best Answer

Setting up a private testnet is not necessary to commence on solidity programming. However in case you are interested in doing it, you can take a look at this blog: http://iotbl.blogspot.in/2017/03/setting-up-private-ethereum-testnet.html

You can commence solidity programming by writing a simple Dapp which fetches some hardcoded data from a SmartContract (say a SmartContract that just displays Hello World)?

If you are confused as to how to proceed with this, I would recommend watching these YoutTube videos to understand how it is done: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9_coM_g7Dbg&list=PLH4m2oS2ratdoHFEkGvwvd7TkeTv4sa7Z