Etherscan – How to Explore Bundles on Blocks Built by External Builders


As far as I know, the flashbots bundles can be found in flashbots explorer ( when their block is built by Flashbots: Builder (you can find more mev-builder at However, the blocks build by other mev-builders, such as beaverbuild, builder0x69, and eth-builder, can not be found in flashbots explorer. How to find these bundles?

Best Answer

On etherscan in the block page, there is the field "Fee Recipient" where is possible to identify the builder who propose the block.

enter image description here

It is not a complete information since one can not know the bundles, but is possible to supose some bundles inside the block, mainly because some interactions are to MEV contracts.

EDIT: In EigenPhi is possible to browse transactions that are part of MEV attacks.

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