Get list of all child contract addresses from contract factory in solidity


I have a factory contract with the below code:

//SPDX-License-Identifier: no-license
pragma solidity ^0.8.9;

interface ChildInterface {
    function getStateVariable() external returns(uint);

contract Child is ChildInterface{
    uint public x;
    address public owner;

    constructor(address _owner, uint _x) {
        x = _x;
        owner = _owner;

    function getStateVariable() public view returns(uint){
        return x;

contract Parent {

 Child[] public childContracts;

 function createContract(uint seller) public {
        // - create a new Lottery instance with msg.sender as seller.
        Child newContract = new Child(msg.sender, seller);

        // - push the newly created contract to lotteries array.

function getValidChildContractAddresses() public returns(bytes memory addresses){
     Child[] memory validChildContracts;
     for(uint i = 0;i <= childContracts.length;i++){
         if(ChildInterface(childContracts[i]).getStateVariable() == 10){
              validChildContracts[i] = address(childContracts[i]);

     addresses = abi.encode(validChildContracts);

I am trying to get all the addreses of the child contracts are stored in the childContracts that matches a condition and convert them as bytes to be returned in the getCreatedContractAddresses() function.

I'm getting the error: 'TypeError: Type address is not implicitly convertible to expected type contract Child.' in this line: validChildContracts[i] = address(childContracts[i]);.

May I know how to achieve that?

Best Answer

The issue is in the following line

Child[] memory validChildContracts;

This created the variable validChildContracts of type Child[]. However, it needs to be of type address[] as we aren't creating an instance of the child, but merely storing its' address.

address[] memory validChildContracts; should fix the error.

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